The average temperature in Mole National Park is about 28°c. In December, the average temperature can fall to 26°c, and can rise up to 31°c in March. The dry season usually lasts from November till...
The Park has very rich flora and fauna. Over 93 species of mammals, about 300 species of birds, 9 amphibian, 33 reptilian and several insectivorous species, and 56 endemic butterfly species have been...
Forest and Woodland
Mole National Park is situated in the heart of the pristine Guinea Savannah Woodland vegetation, with gallery forests along the rivers and streams. The Guinea Savannah Woodland is described as the lar...
Water Bodies
Mole National Park forms part of the White Volta catchment, and numerous rivers cross or originate in the Park to drain into the White Volta.Most of the rivers, with Mole and Lovi being the major ones...
Most of the land in the Northern Region is designated geographically as ‘Voltaian Sandstone Basin’. It extends over an area of 112,768 sq. kms, representing close to 70% of Ghana’s surface area....