The management authority of Mole National Park is Ghana’s Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission, which is under Ghana’s Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. The Wildlife Division is responsible for all wildlife in the country and administers 16 Wildlife Protected Areas (PAs), five coastal Ramsar Sites, and the Accra and Kumasi Zoos. It also assists with the running of two community-owned Wildlife Sanctuaries.
The mission of the Wildlife Division is to ensure conservation, sustainable management, and development of Ghana’s wildlife resources for socio-economic benefit to all segments of society.
The mandate of the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission of Ghana is wildlife protection and habitat/resource conservation for the sustainable benefits of present and future generations. The Division, therefore, educates the public and fringe communities on the prudent use of resources, and managing the protected areas for eco-tourism is one such use. Nature enthusiasts, students, volunteers, and researchers have found out how much Ghana offers by way of wildlife and wildlife habitats, some of which offer good opportunities for adventure.
The Wildlife Division has adopted the following strategies:
• To protect and develop Ghana’s permanent estate of Wildlife Protected Areas.
• To promote management and development of wildlife outside Wildlife Protected Areas.
• To develop the Eco-tourism potential of the Protected Areas.
• To promote the development of wildlife-based enterprises.
• To develop linkages with other agencies and NGOs whose activities impact wildlife.
• To assist local communities to develop and manage their own reserves, e.g. BoabengFiema and Agumatsa Wildlife Sanctuaries.
• To foster closer collaboration with communities close to protected areas, through the promotion of community resource management areas (CREMAs).
• To promote public awareness and education on wildlife management issues.
Infrastructure development in Mole National Park has been carried out over time, since the Park’s designation as a Game Reserve.
Mole Operational Units
Samole is the Headquarters of Mole National Park. It is here that the Park Manager and his Management Team – with other staff – are based, for conservation works. The Park’s activities are revolved around five management units. The Park Manager supersedes and supervises the activities of these units. The units are managed by Unit Heads (officers) and assistants.
The Park is headed by a Park Manager. He is a Principal Wildlife Officer in rank. He joined the division in 1994, and he took control as Manager of the Park in 2005. He supervises all the works of the various units, and reports directly to the Executive Director of the Wildlife Division, through the Regional Manager.
This Unit is headed by a Unit Head. He is the Community Collaboration Officer and the Administrative Assistant to the Park Manager. He is a Principal Wildlife Officer in rank. He joined the wildlife division in 1999. In the absence of the Park Manager, he acts as Park Manager. As a Community Collaboration Officer, his unit is the link between the Park and the communities fringing the Park. The unit conducts community sensitization and conservation education programs. The unit also assists farmers fringing the Park to control wildlife (elephants) from raiding their crops. Where raiding occurs, the Unit takes records of the damage caused. The Unit also organizes and supervises alternative livelihood programs in the fringe communities. The Unit, in collaboration with NGOs and fringe communities, is responsible for the creation and management of Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs). They also link up with the fringing Districts in the formation of Protected Area Management Advisory Units/Boards (PAMAU/PAMAB).
This Unit is headed by a Unit Head, the Law Enforcement and Grounds Coverage Officer. He is a Wildlife Officer in rank. He joined the wildlife division in 2006. He is a trained prosecutor in Wildlife and Forest related crimes. He is assisted by four Assistant Wildlife Officers, whose duties are Range Managers in charge of the four major ranges of the Park. His Unit is the core unit of the Park, responsible for organizing and conducting routine patrols to deter and possibly arrest poachers in the Park. The Unit also monitors and gathers all field data (animal species and numbers, illegal activities, etc.), and processes them using MIST/SMART software. The Unit gathers intelligence information through its established structures, for effective monitoring purposes. When there is an arrest, the Unit follows the case till the victim is duly prosecuted. The security of the Park and its infrastructure is also the responsibility of the Unit.
This Unit is headed by a Unit Head, the Enforcement and Grounds Coverage Officer. He is an Assistant Wildlife Officer, and he joined the Division in 1996. His Unit is responsible for organizing and conducting safaris (game viewing) for tourists. The Unit briefs tourists on the do’s and don’ts in the Park. The unit also manages the two campsites, tree hides, viewing platforms, etc., for tourist utilization. The Park Museum, craft shop, and convenience shop are under the supervision of this Unit. The Unit also gathers information on tourist satisfaction within the Park, for informed decision-making by Park Management.
The head of this Unit is a Regional Accountant in terms of rank. He joined the Wildlife Division in 2012. The Unit comprises the Accounts Office, the Human Resources Office, the stores, and the registry. The Accounts Office is responsible for all financial matters, including revenue mobilization, collection, and lodging. The staff and their related issues are handled by the human resources office, while the registry takes care of all mail and their related issues. The Registry also receives and directs visitors to the appropriate offices.
This is a broad unit that works under different sub-units. The subunits are interdependent at some stages when the need arises. The sub-units include:
This sub unit is headed by a gentleman who joined the division in 2009. He is a Wildlife ranger by rank. He is the “architect” of the park. His Unit comprises masons, carpenters, painters, etc. The unit is responsible for raising the Park’s buildings locally. It also refurbishes and renovates all buildings that require such.
The head of this sub-unit is a Principal Technical Assistant by rank. He joined the division in 1988. His sub-unit is responsible for creating, improving, and maintaining all the internal and access roads within the Park. This unit also supports the building sub-unit when the need arises.
The head of this sub-unit is a Senior Technical Assistant who joined the Wildlife Division in 1988. The unit is responsible for the sanitation and hygiene of the Park Headquarters. The unit is responsible for picking and properly disposing of all polythene, garbage, and rubbish accrued as a result of tourist activities. The unit manages the disposal of household rubbish.
This unit comprises drivers, mechanics, welders, etc. This sub-unit is headed by the transport officer (also HR). He joined the division in 1989. This unit is responsible for fixing, repairing, and maintaining the vehicles and other machines of the Park. It is also responsible for supplying water through a mechanized system to all inhabitants of the Park.